Westbrooke Youth group seeks Christlike transformation for youth who follow Jesus at home, the local church, their broader communities, and the world.

Students in 7th-12th Grade are invited to participate in Youth Ministry Events. For more information, email yo***@we**************.org.
Weekly Events:
Sunday: 9am Sunday School. 10:30am Church Service.
Wednesday: 6:30-8:30pm Youth Bible study and fellowship
2024 Schedule:
- April 10 – May 1: Wednesday Night Study: Life of Jesus Christ
- May 8: Wednesday Night Study: Gospel Night
- May 15: Guest Speaker Jesse Bonine with Camp CUMCITO
- May 19: Senior Recognition Sunday
- May 22: End of the Year Bash
Youth Sunday School at 9am in the Youth Room: Currently studying the Book of Acts, lesson led by Mark Whiting & Paige Stark. Church Service follows at 10:30am.
Upcoming Opportunities for Youth to Serve:
Youth May Volunteer with the Westbrooke Children’s Ministry
We are looking for Youth who would like to help serve in the Children’s Ministry during the Children’s Church hour on Sundays. Email ch***************@we**************.org to sign up.
Westbrooke Youth Memories: